Matt. 5:29-30
Because his eyes
offended, prying
Between buttons
and thighs,
He plucked them
out and cast them away:
Of small
importance was the light of day.
Because his ears
offended, hearing
Invitations and
He drove nails
into the tender membranes.
ecstatic, he embraced the pain.
Because his
tongue offended, singing
Desire that shocked and scandalized
The good
neighbors and innocent passers-by,
He ripped it out
and hurled it from him.
Above all, he
must deny his longing.
Because his
thoughts offended--How
The images did
glow!--he gave up control
Of his own mind
and learned to seek not to know,
But only to
believe what he was told.
Because his hand
offended, and his sex, and
--Fie, fie, for
shame! Must I
Tell all he did?
Indecency I dare not name!--His hand
He cropped, the
rest lopped off and cast like Satan behind him.
Free at last,
mindless, maimed,
Blind and deaf,
without tongue or touch,
Maintained in
charity and disgust
By mortified
--behind bars,
of course, on water and crusts--
Himself he
hourly befouls,
And everything
else for yards around,
Without knowing
when, where, why, or how.
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