
This blog ran for more than two years with no graphics--and it received about 50 page views. I was advised to add graphics; after seeing the huge public that followed blogs dedicated to homoerotic images, I decided to use that kind. The result was a dramatically increased number of monthly page views, and the number has remained fairly steady. Most of the images were found on the internet; although they are assumed to be in the public domain, they are identified as far as possible. They are exhibited under the Fair Use protections of United States copyright law: their function is simply to attract readers to the poems--I receive no economic benefit from them or from the blog. Nevertheless, they will be removed if they are copyrighted and the owner so desires. 1260 x 290

POEMAS EN ESPAÑOL -- 2009: January 8, April 12, August 3 . . . . 2010: January 13 . . . . 2013: June 30, November 28, December 8 . . . . 2014: September 25, November 30 . . . . 2015: July 9, October 22 . . . . 2016: February 12, August 1, December 28 . . . . 2017: March 2, September 5 . . . . 2018: May 10, July 15, November 3 . . . . 2019: August 4, December 5 . . . . 2020: December 1 . . . . 2021: October 12, December 3 . . . . 2022: April 15, June 21 . . . . 2023: January 3, April 2, May 9, June 6.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

El mundo te pertenecees todo tuyo:
prendas y pieles, golosinas, corazones
todo se te ofrenday tú,
te mueves entre las cosas y escoges
según te mueva el espíritu, a capricho puro.
Fragancias tan embriagantes como licores te perfuman,
y para mimar tu piel de oro liso, las más cremosas
lociones se suavizan más aún;
en camisa o blusa suelta la seda luminosa
envuelve tu torso lujoso en luces fluidasy tú . . . deslumbras.
Te mueves entre las gentes con la gracia de una gacela;
el sol relampaguea en tu cabello
cuando cruzas la calle, aristócrata, como un corcel;
y el aire se encandila eléctrico,
cuando te desperezas, arqueando tu cuerpo de pantera.
Y yo . . . el pobre de mi corazón tras rejas
como un viejo perro guardián encadenado
brinca y forcejea, ahorcándose desesperado
cada vez que tú tan siquiera te me acercas.


