Homoerotic Poems is principally a gay poetry collection; the poems explore male homosexual love. Knowing that homoerotic poetry can have literary value, I will post my homoerotic poems here. The most sensually erotic are the earliest/oldest of these erotic poems, written for readers of gay erotic poetry. Copyright is asserted. If you are not by law an adult, or if you object to erotic gay love poems or homosexual erotic literature, leave this site.
This blog ran for more than two years with no graphics--and it received about 50 page views. I was advised to add graphics; after seeing the huge public that followed blogs dedicated to homoerotic images, I decided to use that kind. The result was a dramatically increased number of monthly page views, and the number has remained fairly steady. Most of the images were found on the internet; although they are assumed to be in the public domain, they are identified as far as possible. They are exhibited under the “Fair Use” protections of United States copyright law: their function is simply to attract readers to the poems--I receive no economic benefit from them or from the blog. Nevertheless, they will be removed if they are copyrighted and the owner so desires. 1260 x 290
POEMAS EN ESPAÑOL -- 2009: January 8, April 12, August 3 . . . . 2010: January 13 . . . . 2013: June 30, November 28, December 8 . . . . 2014: September 25, November 30 . . . . 2015: July 9, October 22 . . . . 2016: February 12, August 1, December 28 . . . . 2017: March 2, September 5 . . . . 2018: May 10, July 15, November 3 . . . . 2019: August 4, December 5 . . . . 2020: December 1 . . . . 2021: October 12, December 3 . . . . 2022: April 15, June 21 . . . . 2023: January 3, April 2, May 9, June 6.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
En el costado cálido del risco,
entre las curvas suaves de la piedra,
espirales fragantes de helecho
erizan mi piel.
Rueda la noria gigantesca de la Tierra,
arrastrándome al borde del abismo,
y el vacío gira...
me sueldo al promontorio vivo,
que se remonta
y vuela conmigo...
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