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Home of the Brave…
minesmagazine .com/8611/
Homoerotic Poems is principally a gay poetry collection; the poems explore male homosexual love. Knowing that homoerotic poetry can have literary value, I will post my homoerotic poems here. The most sensually erotic are the earliest/oldest of these erotic poems, written for readers of gay erotic poetry. Copyright is asserted. If you are not by law an adult, or if you object to erotic gay love poems or homosexual erotic literature, leave this site.
Pakistani Christian Girl Murdered for Refusing Muslim Marriage Proposal
youtube .com/watch?v=ooYZaEogw4w
Jihadis Behead More Than 50 People in Mozambique
youtube .com/watch?v=RGUOj3dM2b8
110 Civilians Murdered by Boko Haram (One of YouTube’s “Protected Groups”)
youtube. com/watch?v=ftl7R4reVkA
YouTube Code: “Civilians” = Christians