I’m the “Princess” Story Book,
Full of things so fine —
You really have to study me,
If you want to read between my lines!
I’m the lovey-dovey dove,
Singing and flirting! — You be
The tree I perch in. Shush! Don’t move!
Everybody’s listening and looking at me!
I’m the garden spiderweb
Spangled and diamonded with dew....
The angle where I display myself,
That’s you.
I’m the black orchid, I’m the blue rose —
I beautify every spot
In which I pose.
You? The pot.
I’m a perky blade of grass,
I feel pretteee! I feel pretteee, and witteee, and ... pretteee!
You be the dandy lyin’ weed
— What do you mean, you “don’t agree”?
I can be anything! Do anything, I can!
Because I am Woman! You hear me?
—What do you mean, you don’t want to be
What I say?
Aw, you ain’t no man,

Hunk: pinterest. com/pin/302444931199628233/