
This blog ran for more than two years with no graphics--and it received about 50 page views. I was advised to add graphics; after seeing the huge public that followed blogs dedicated to homoerotic images, I decided to use that kind. The result was a dramatically increased number of monthly page views, and the number has remained fairly steady. Most of the images were found on the internet; although they are assumed to be in the public domain, they are identified as far as possible. They are exhibited under the Fair Use protections of United States copyright law: their function is simply to attract readers to the poems--I receive no economic benefit from them or from the blog. Nevertheless, they will be removed if they are copyrighted and the owner so desires. 1260 x 290

POEMAS EN ESPAÑOL -- 2009: January 8, April 12, August 3 . . . . 2010: January 13 . . . . 2013: June 30, November 28, December 8 . . . . 2014: September 25, November 30 . . . . 2015: July 9, October 22 . . . . 2016: February 12, August 1, December 28 . . . . 2017: March 2, September 5 . . . . 2018: May 10, July 15, November 3 . . . . 2019: August 4, December 5 . . . . 2020: December 1 . . . . 2021: October 12, December 3 . . . . 2022: April 15, June 21 . . . . 2023: January 3, April 2, May 9, June 6.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This is the original poem of which a version is given below in Spanish—not really a translation, but an equivalent. I was surprised to notice that musically the Spanish-language version is more complex.
The world knows you possess it—it is yours:
sweaters and sweatshirts, jeans and tailored suits,
shampoo and suntan lotion and perfume….
You move among all things and pick and choose,
consummately consuming, never to be consumed.

Great models, when they dress—and undress too—
consciously pose to emulate your pose:
You cross the street, the sunlight in your hair,
and stop to talk; you lean back in a chair….

You mold all things around the way you move,
and everything so yields itself to you,
it is your body’s fashion that shows through.
And my heart dangling in its wooden cage
like a chained dog that cries “Wolf! Wolf!” all night,
leaps, tugs, and jerks, and yanks, and strains,
hanging itself in helpless rage      
the moment you come into sight.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


This is the Spanish-language version of an old poem of minethe original is in English, and is the poem immediately before this one.

El mundo te pertenecees todo tuyo:
prendas y pieles, golosinas, corazones
todo se te ofrenday tú,
te mueves entre las cosas y escoges
según te mueva el espíritu, a capricho puro.

Fragancias tan embriagantes como licores te perfuman,
y para mimar tu piel de oro liso, las más cremosas
lociones se suavizan más aún;
en camisa o blusa suelta la seda luminosa
envuelve tu torso lujoso en luces fluidasy tú . . . deslumbras.

Te mueves entre las gentes con la gracia de una gacela;
el sol relampaguea en tu cabello
cuando cruzas la calle, aristócrata, como un corcel;
y el aire se encandila eléctrico,
cuando te desperezas, arqueando tu cuerpo de pantera.

Y yo . . . el pobre de mi corazón tras rejas
como un viejo perro guardián encadenado
brinca y forcejea, ahorcándose desesperado
cada vez que tú tan siquiera te me acercas.

https ://www.tumblr .com/tagged/hot-male-models
http ://adonisarchive.tumblr .com/post/127474786309
http ://thisblueboy.tumblr .com/post/20184247747/by-nebojsa-zdravkovic  
http ://www.tumblr .com/tagged/male-model

