So little
gets by
This petty
customs inspector
scrutinizes the border
With eyes
like bayonets
And the
undeviating will
To lay bare
and destroy
Every secret
Threat to
his security.
Avid hands
Rifle my
carefully-arranged clothes,
them aside.
Whose agent are you?
is your true identity?
covert agenda we already know.
will not, here in the Fatherland,
disorder propagate.
will we not permit.”
And I am
required to answer,
one’s, Sir,” and, “None, Sir,” and,
Sir, I will not.”
I try, I try
to look straight in his eyes as I declare,
With my most
candid wide blank gaze,
“Sir, I
have nothing to declare.”

Lower image from http://usmalesf.blogspot.com/2011_01_01_archive.html
Middle image from http://homodesiribus.blogspot.com/2014/06/blog-post_2624.html
Upper image from www.http://thedailybeast.com/women-in-the-world.html
So Little Gets By. Oh So True.
it is like your poems do inspire me... though i could not feel the portuguese, fernando pessoa, i do instinctively understand. some time, i am penning, and sincerely, this is where i am inspired...
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a commet and yes I have read Cavafy. I have his The Complete Poems of Cavafy. He can be hard on older gays
Just doing his job man, just doing his job.
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